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Your House Number Could Be Ruining Your Life and You Don’t Even Know It

Move In Day

Me:  Now that I’ve moved into my new house, my life is finally perfect!
Also Me:  Well that was a nice 5 minutes.

When I moved into my new house several years ago, I was so relieved.  Life was on track.  I was newly married with a great job, great friends, and a seemingly steady life ahead.

I could not have been more wrong.

Everything Changed

Within months, everything started to change.  My job underwent three organizational changes.  My car bit the dust and had to be replaced.  Old friends began to drift away, while new friends came into my life.  And my husband moved in with a cocktail waitress.

It wasn’t just big changes either; it was small things too.  I changed my hair cut, eating habits, furniture, hobbies, and taste in music.  My friends began calling me the Queen of Change.

Although I did my best to go with the flow, all that change was exhausting and stressful.  It was confusing as well.  I wasn’t actively seeking change and that much flux was way out of character for me.

One day, when I was confiding in one of my new friends, she stopped the conversation and asked for my house number.  I told her my house number was 6305.  She did a quick calculation in her head and said, “Your house is a number 5, no wonder you have so much change in your life.”

What on earth was this woman talking about?!

The Shocking Truth About My New House

Surprisingly, my friend was talking about numerology and the vibration of numbers.  Turns out that my new house was a number 5, which is the vibration of change.  Thus, I was attracting change and didn’t even know it.

Keep reading to learn how to determine your house number and what you can do about it.

At first, I felt doomed.  I thought my choices were either to move or live in constant change.  Neither one of those options was appealing.

Moreover, I knew there was no way the post office would agree to change my physical address.  I’m sure there is an address change form, but I doubt “bad juju” is considered a valid reason.  Therefore, I resigned myself to an ever-changing fate.

Weird But Effective House Number Fix

Months later, I was talking with my metaphysics teacher and mentioned my unfortunate house number.  She gave a nonchalant shrug and told me to just change my house number.  I immediately pictured a long line of angry people behind me at the post office while I tried to explain the reason for an address change, complete with a song and dance (and tarot card reading for effect).

But in fact, the solution didn’t involve any paperwork at all.

In my case, the only thing I needed to do was add the letter “A” to my address.  I did this by placing a vinyl letter sticker (like you see on mailboxes) on the inside of my front door.  This changed my address from a 5 to a 6, which is the number for peace and harmony.

It took a little time for the vibration to shift, but life has since settled into a beautiful and harmonious pattern.  Change is minimal now and I am no longer called the Queen of Change.

I would have never thought something so simple would make such a big difference, but it did.

Step-by-Step Guide to Determining and Fixing Your House Number

Step 1: Reduce your house number to a single number using the traditional numerology methods.

If you don’t know how to do this, check out our Numerology Essentials post for detailed information.

Step 2: Determine the vibration of your house based on the number:

  • 1 – New Beginnings
  • 2 – Partnerships and Choices
  • 3 – Growth and Achievement
  • 4 – Building and Maintenance
  • 5 – Change
  • 6 – Peace and Harmony
  • 7 – Reflection and Assessment
  • 8 – Power and Prosperity
  • 9 – Completion
  • 11 – Intuition and Sensitivity
  • 22 – Ambition and Success

Step 3: Decide what vibration you want for your home.

The number most recommended for a home is 6 because it promotes peace and harmony with virtually zero negative side-effects.

Many people will choose 8 for obvious reason; however, this can create a power struggle in your home.  Thus, be very mindful of the relationships in an 8 home and change the number if need be.

Step 4: Calculate the number/letter to add to your address to achieve the desired number.

For example, if your home is a 1 and you want it to be a 6, then you would want to add the number 5.

As another option, you could add the letter E to your address because E is equal to 5.  To further explain, numerologists assign numbers to the letters of the alphabet in chronological order.  For example, A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.

Step 5: Place your chosen letter/number on the inside of your front door.

This will change the vibration of your home without confusing the mail person!  If you have a back door where your house number is also displayed, then affix the needed number/letter to the inside of your back door as well.

Need stickers?  Try these removable stickers available on Amazon.  I get a small commission if you buy from this link.

Step 6: Let the good vibes soak in!

It might take a little time for the universe to get the message, but you have placed your order and stated your intentions.  Be patient because good things are on the way!

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She Took A Crystal Ball Class – What Did She See?

“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” Pablo Picasso

Like everything else in life, metaphysics takes practice.  It doesn’t matter if you want to learn how to read tarot cards or gaze into a crystal ball, it is a skill you work at just as you would a sport or musical instrument.

Within the esoteric world, there are so many different areas of study, things like shamanisim, numerology, palmistry, reiki, and crystals to name a few.  If you are just dipping your toes in the metaphysical water, all these subjects can seem intimidating and unfamiliar.  So, what is a person to do?  How do you find your gifts and passions?

You dive in – head first.  Try taking a beginner’s class or reading a book on anything that interests you.  It is in this spirit that I found myself in a Crystal Ball Gazing class.

Class Introduction

The class began with a brief history of crystal ball gazing also called scrying for those of us in “the know” (which now includes you – so rock on with your enlightened self).  The teacher explained that you do not need to invest in an expensive crystal ball or turban to practice this skill.  You can use anything reflective, like a small mirror, which is what we used in class.

Crystal Ball Gazing – Round One

The lesson began with a prayer circle then moved into a breathing exercise to help us focus our scrying energy.  Being brand new to this ancient form of seeing, I was more than a little disappointed when a colorful theater mask did not appear to tell me that I was the fairest of them all.  Okay, fine.  I reminded myself that this takes patience and practice.

I continued focusing on my mirror hoping for something truly spectacular but all I saw was the reflection of the ceiling.  Then, suddenly I saw something.  My heart beat raced in excitement.  I looked closer.  What was flittering around?  Was something or someone trying to appear before my eyes?  Oh,…no…nevermind.  It was a fly stuck in the light fixture.  <sigh>

We ended the first round of scrying with everyone going around the circle explaining what they saw.  Some saw deceased loved ones, some saw fantastical scenes while others saw the future.  No one was overly impressed by the fly I saw, but we pressed on to the next round, none the less.

Crystal Ball Gazing – Round Two

During the second lesson we were encouraged to listen for a message as we gazed into the mirror.  This proceeded about as well as the first lesson.  Except I was now trying to determine if there was a message from the Universe encoded into the ticking of the nearby clock.  There was not.

After the second round, many of the students said that they were able to receive some kind of message.  Things like “there is more good in the world than you know” or “the world is your oyster” were common.  Apparently, I was the only one given Hickory Dickory Dock as a message.  No matter.

Crystal Ball Gazing – Round Three

Undeterred, I forged into the third and final phase of the crystal ball gazing class.  As before, nothing happened at first, but after about 10 minutes I started to see a small purple glow.  Having learned my lesson with the fly, I looked closer.  I check around the room for any possible source, but I could not find one.  So, I went back to gazing.  Just before the time was up, I began to see that faint little purple light again.  It wasn’t an apocalyptic vision or life changing message, but it was enough to give me hope for more in the future.

Class Wrap-Up

The class ended with the other students sharing their experiences and everyone encouraging me to continue working on my skill.  I thought it was down-right charitable of them to call my observation of a fly a “skill”, but I felt encouraged all the same.

In the end, I thoroughly enjoyed the class and plan to add scrying to my list of esoteric interests.  If crystal ball gazing is something that interests you, I highly recommend trying it.  Worst case scenario, you have some fun and then move on to the next thing that catches your eye.  Best case scenario, it turns out to be one of your gifts.  Either way, you tried something new and that is powerful.

Affirmation: It is safe and enjoyable for me to try new things.


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5 Simple Yet Powerful Meditation Types

“The thing about meditation is; You become more and more you.” David Lynch

Are you looking to find more of yourself through meditation but don’t know where to start?  You are not alone.  There are so many different types of meditation and often the techniques seem too vague or too complicated.  In that light, we’ve put together a list of our 5 favorite meditation styles that are simple enough for the beginner but still offer growth and enlightenment for the advanced practitioner.  If you haven’t read our post on preparing for meditation by creating your own meditation sanctuary, check it out here.  Then come back to this post for the best meditation styles to help you become more you!

1. Guided Meditation

If you aren’t sure what to do during meditation or if the voices in your head are too loud, then guided meditation is for you!  You don’t need to know any fancy meditation jargon or learn any complicated techniques.  To practice guided meditation, you basically follow along to the spoken directions of an expert or teacher.  No special skills or prior knowledge are required.

Guided meditations are available in person at many spiritual centers and esoteric schools.  These classes aren’t always convenient, so a great alternative is to access guided meditations electronically.   This allows you to meditate on your schedule and in a location that you choose.

Paid for apps like Headspace or Simple Habit simplify meditation by offering a wide variety of sessions and session types.  As a free option, Insight Timer offers over 4,000 different guided meditations.  If an app is not your thing, there are many guided meditations available on CD or YouTube.

2. Mantra Meditation

This style of meditation is easy and effective because it gives your mind one sound, word, or phrase on which to focus.  A mantra keeps your mind calm and centered instead of running wild.  As Giovanni Dienstmann puts it, “A mantra replaces 10,000 different thoughts by one thought – a thought that gives peace and awareness.”

To practice mantra meditation, go to your meditation sanctuary and repeat your chosen mantra, either silently or out loud.  You can repeat the mantra slowly or quickly.  It doesn’t matter, just as long as you maintain focus.  Keeping your attention on your mantra is key.  Consequently, drifting into auto-pilot may allow your thoughts to wander and wreck your sacred space.

So, what mantra should you choose?  Whatever resonates with you for your practice.  You can choose your own word or phrase or select one of these popular mantras:

  • Om – this is popular because it is the same vibrational frequency of the universe
  • I approve of myself
  • Every day in every way I’m getting better and better. (Emile Coue)
  • Oh God my heart is open to you. Please come sit in my heart.  (How to Get What You Want …)
  • I am
  • I am that I am
  • A single word such as Joy, Peace or Calm

3. Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation focuses on being present in the current moment; any thoughts that surface are noticed without analysis or judgement.

To practice mindfulness meditation, go to your meditation sanctuary and focus on your breath.  If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath.  This is the basis of mindfulness meditation.  From here, there are several variations that you can try.

The first option is to count your breaths.  One method that works well is to count from 1 to 10, such as: <inhale> 1, <exhale> 1, <inhale> 2, <exhale> 2…<inhale> 10, <exhale> 10.  Once you reach 10, count down backwards from 10 to 1 in the same manner.  Repeat this process for the duration of your practice.

Another variation is to simply maintain focus on your breath while noticing any thoughts as they arise.  Imagine your thoughts running through you head the way that news tickers run across the TV screen.  When a thought pops up, mentally circle it and let is scroll on by.  Don’t’ judge your thoughts or react to them.  Just observe them and release them.

As another alternative, focus on your breath and notice your thoughts as described above.  But, in this option, name your thoughts as you circle them.  No, you don’t need a complex Dewey decimal system for your thought categories.  Merely noting a thought with something like “remembering”, “worrying”, or “planning” is fine.

No matter which option you choose, keep your focus on your breath for the duration of your mindfulness meditation.

4. Walking Meditation

Walking meditation adds movement to your meditation practice.  In addition to the rewards of meditation, this form of mindfulness also provides the physical benefits of walking.  People who sit at a desk all day or who experience pain when sitting for a long period of time may find this type of meditation appealing.

To practice walking meditation, first find a quiet place to walk.  This could be outdoors, down a hallway, or back and forth across a room.  Begin by focusing your attention on your movements.  If it helps, you can engage your mind by mentally noting your physical actions.  For example, you might think “step left” or “step right” as you walk.  Similarly, you might find it helpful to count your steps from 1 to 100 and then back down from 100 to 1.   As a third choice, you might find repeating a mantra to be especially helpful for your walking meditation.

Furthermore, you can boost your walking meditation by incorporating sensory awareness as described by Mark Bertin.  To do this, begin walking and focus your attention on your steps.  After a few minutes, shift your focus to sound.  What sounds do you hear?  Allow yourself to listen to your surroundings without judgments or assessment.  Spend a couple of minutes here, listening to the sounds around you.  Next, in the same manner, move your awareness to what you see.  After several minutes of observing the sights around you, move to what you smell and then to what you physically feel.  Note that focusing on what you physically feel is not the same as focusing on your emotions.  In other words, bring your awareness to tactile feelings such as the warm sun on your skin, the cool breeze in your hair, or the softness of your clothing.

5. True Meditation by Adyashanti

True Meditation is a path to spiritual enlightenment.  While all the other forms of meditation we’ve covered focus on concentration and controlling the mind, this form of mindfulness is the exact opposite.  True meditation is the act of relinquishing control and allowing things to be exactly as they are.

To practice true meditation, go to your meditation sanctuary and merely sit in silence.  Allow you awareness to wander as it desires.  That’s it.  Once you’ve practiced true meditation enough times to feel comfortable with this state of being, you can add a spiritual inquiry to the beginning of your meditation.  You do not need to repeat this inquiry like a mantra.  Instead, enter into your meditation with the intent to explore the question and notice where your awareness leads.

So, what do we mean by spiritual inquires?  Here are some examples of questions to explore during true meditations:

  • Who am I?
  • What am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • Who is God?
  • What do I need to know?

To enhance your spiritual meditation practice, consider diffusing essential oils.  Oils such as lavender, frankincense, myrrh, or helichrysum are known to increase awareness, deepen mediation and promote greater spiritual connection.

Find More of You

We love these 5 simple yet powerful forms of meditation.  Any one of them will help you get the incredible benefits of meditation, but which one is best?  Well, the answer is whichever one you will do.  There is no one-size-fits-all type of meditation.  Each meditation type, session, and practitioner are unique.  Remember, there are no mistakes to be made.  Look within to find the style that resonates and begin a meditation practice that will help you find more of you.

Affirmation: I deserve the benefits of meditation.
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Your Meditation Sanctuary: How to Prepare for Meditation

“Real meditation is not about mastering a technique; it’s about letting go of control.”  Adyashanti

In cooking, it is called “mise en place”, meaning “everything in its place” or “set up and ready to go”.  This describes all the preparation that goes into cooking before you fire up the stove.  Everything from putting on your apron to washing, peeling, dicing and measuring your ingredients falls into this process.  Interestingly enough, it is also considered a state of mind for chefs and home cooks alike.

Similarly, you need a “meditation mise en place” to get set up and ready to meditate. Things such as location, duration, and position are all elements of this mise en place.  I like to think of preparing for meditation as creating my own personal Meditation Sanctuary.  Here’s how to find your meditation sanctuary in support of a sustainable and enjoyable meditation practice.

Your Meditation Sanctuary

Location – Set the Mood

Choose a quiet space where you feel safe and won’t be interrupted.   For example, you might choose your bedroom, patio, garden, or a cozy corner of your home.  Just be sure it is a place where you can minimize distractions such as the television, cell phone, washer, dryer, and dishwasher.

To set the mood, you may want to dim the lights or pull the curtains closed.  Many find that using a salt lamp, burning incense, or diffusing essential oils helps create a calm and peaceful atmosphere.  Likewise, you may want to play soft meditative music or nature sounds for added tranquility.  On the other hand, full sunshine and blissful silence might be your preference.  This is completely up to you.  It is your sacred space and you get to decide what that means to you.

Position – Find What is Natural

The most recommended posture is sitting on the floor with your legs crossed and hands palm up, either resting on your knees or crossed in your lap.  This can be uncomfortable for some, so sitting straight up in a chair is a good alternative.  If this still isn’t comfortable, try sitting in an elevated but reclined position, either in bed or in a recliner.

Bottom line, any comfortable position in which you won’t fall asleep is fine.  Your intent and attitude when meditating is far more important than posture.  If you are uncomfortable or in pain, you will be too focused on physical discomfort to get the benefits of meditation.

Now, what about your eyes?  Should they be open or closed?  Well, that is entirely up to you.  Whatever feels natural is fine.  Are you starting to sense a theme?  Honestly dear friend, this is your practice and you don’t have to force yourself into any strict meditation mold.  Except for a walking meditation, in which your eyes should always be open, you are free to choose what is right for you.

Finally, when it comes to your breath, “most meditation experts recommend that you allow your body to breath naturally” (  So, don’t get all fussed about whether you are breathing correctly or not.  Just relax and breath as you normally would.

Duration – You Deserve This Time

The most important thing to remember in scheduling meditation into your day is consistency.  Aim for meditating at least some small amount of time each day.  This is preferable to doing none through the week and “binge” meditating once on the weekend.  Thus, if you can only meditate 5 minutes each morning, then go with it.  Beginners may prefer a shorter time frame anyway.  You can gradually work up to longer sessions such as 15 – 20 minutes, if that appeals to you.  Feel free to experiment with different lengths of time and choose whichever duration feels natural.


Your Meditation Sanctuary will be unique to you and may evolve as your practice grows.  Remember, there is no right way to meditate, so don’t worry about goofing it up.  Now that you have built your meditation sanctuary, check out our post on “5 Easy Yet Powerful Meditation Styles”.

Today’s Affirmation: My Meditation Sanctuary is safe, comfortable, and natural.


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10 Ways to Manifest Your Dreams Now

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates

Happy National Vision Board Day! According to, the second Saturday of January is National Vision Board Day. Since the beginning of the year is a great time to set goals and get specific about what you want, let’s look at some ways to celebrate this holiday.

Wait, What Is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a collection of images, phrases, and items that represent what you desire in the future. Sometimes called Dream Boards, these visualization tools help you focus your energy on what you really want in life. Additionally, this creative process helps you get very specific about your goals, which is essential in attracting your desires.

But Isn’t This Just a Bunch of Hooey?

Not in the least. Many Olympians and professional athletes incorporate visualization techniques into their training. And a study at Dominican University found that “those who wrote their goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not write their goals.” Consequently, creating a Vision Board combines the impact of visualization with the effectiveness of documenting your goals into one powerful activity.

Ready to get started?

Here are 10 types of vision boards that will help you manifest your dreams.

1. The Traditional Vision Board

Because a classic never dies. The traditional vision board gets the job done every time. To create this board, collect photos, magazine clippings, and other inspirational items that symbolize your desires. Glue these objects to a piece of poster board and voila!

2. Vision Strip

We are completely in love with this brilliant Vision Strip creation from life coach and blogger Jo Hodson at For this vision board alternative, a strip of wallpaper is turned into a vision board that is not only beautiful to look at but is also space effective and will easily evolve with you throughout the year. As Jo says, “I absolutely love it as an inspiration for my goals and dreams and also as an artwork in its own right.” We couldn’t agree more. If you would like to learn how to make your own Vision Strip, read the full article with how-to instructions here.

3. Visuapp

This is a free vision board app that we are pretty jazzed about. You can use photos already saved in your phone or take new photos to create a vision board on your mobile device. There is even an option to add an affirmation to each photo. We love this electronic alternative because you can easily build your board as you go about your life. See a pair of shoes you can’t live without? Instantly add them to your board with a quick snap in the Visuapp!

4. A Letter to the Universe

This idea is from Nikita at and we could not be more obsessed with it. Use a note card to send your wish list to the Universe. Simply write out your desires with as much detail as you can fit on the card. You might also like to include pictures, drawings or anything else that speaks to your heart. Finally, address the envelope to yourself, add a stamp and drop it in the mail. Nikita says this is “a little bit like when you were sending your wish list to Santa as a child. A few days later, when I see the envelope in my mailbox I feel like the Universe received my request, read it and will now send it my way.”

Want to learn more about Nikita’s step-by-step method to manifesting your dreams? Check out her ebook “Manifest it!” here.

5. Vision Box

Understanding why you want your desires adds even more focus and passion to your vision board. And that translates to more manifesting power. This version of the vision board incorporates your why. Glue your inspirational vision board items to the outside of a small cardboard box or shoe box.

Once you have the outside complete, turn your attention to the inside of the box. Here is where you are going to capture the all powerful “why”. Place things inside the box that represent the reasons for your desires. Or as an alternative, you can write your “whys” all over the inside of the box.

6. Wheel and Spoke Map

Borrowed from entrepreneurs and project managers everywhere, the wheel and spoke map might be the fastest and easiest way to create your life vision. It’s also the most boring to read about. Here’s a quick diagram instead:

7. Planner/Journal

Turn your planner or journal into a vision board by gluing your inspirational items to the outside cover. As another option, you could use a few pages on the inside to make a mini vision board or keep a list of your dreams and desires.

8. Pinterest

Use one of the private boards available on Pinterest to create an electronic vision board. This is a nice option since it allows you to easily collect ideas from the internet and grow your board as time goes by.

9. The Refrigerator Board

No home office space or place for a traditional vision board? No problem! Just use magnets to put your vision board items on your refrigerator (or any place that is magnetic).

10. Life Scripting

Life scripting is a beautiful tool for exploring exactly what you want in life. For this activity, clear a little quiet time for yourself. Gather up your pen and paper. Make yourself a nice cup of tea and diffuse your favorite essential oil. Take a few deep breaths and really think about what you want your future to look like. Write it all down in as much detail as you can imagine. But here’s the trick – write it down as if you already have that perfect life.

For example, you might write:

I love my new job. Working from home is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I don’t have to commute through rush hour anymore. I can wear comfy clothes and work the day away with my dog in my lap. My manager is wonderful, and the workload is structured, organized, and steady. I feel productive, balanced, appreciated and happy.

Since the key to manifesting is emotion, be sure to include how you feel in your script. If you are stumped on what to write about, here are some categories to get you started. Include as many as you like or create your own: career, relationship, family and friends, home, pets, hobbies, finances, health and wellness, things you want, travel, and education.

OK, Now What?

So, you’ve created your vision board, but now what? First, congratulations on a job well done! You have set wonderful things in motion and the Universe is working to bring everything you desire into your world. But what should you do with your board?

Well, that depends entirely on you. Can you look at your board and feel gratitude as if your dreams have already come true? If so, then feel free to display your board and give thanks whenever you see it.

However, if your vision board serves as a reminder for all the things you don’t have, then it is best to put it away or recycle it. Remember, the Universe responds to your vibration. So, if you look at your board and think “Ugh…I don’t have a new car”, then the Universe is going to say, “Nope, you don’t.” This negative thinking will prevent your desires from appearing in your life. So, put the board away and simply allow the action of creating your vision board to manifest your dreams.

In Conclusion

In the end, no matter which vision board you choose to create, the Universe will hear you and respond. Happy Manifesting and Happy National Vision Board Day!

Affirmation: I am the creator of my life.


PSA: I do not receive any compensation for products mentioned in this article.

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Get Rid of Negative Energy in 3 Easy Steps

“Removing negativity from your life leaves more room for positivity to grow.”  Anonymous

Does your life feel harder than it should?  Maybe you feel grumpy, overly sensitive, or pessimistic.  Perhaps the relationships in your home seem combative for no good reason.  Or maybe negativity from others sticks to you like a magnet and drains your energy.  No matter the reason, if your environment feels heavy, tense, or overrun by “bad juju”, then it’s time for an overhaul.

Make Room for Positivity

Imagine a garden filled completely with weeds.  If you wanted to reclaim the space with beautiful flowers, you would first need to clear all the weeds.  Otherwise, there would be no place for your flowers to take root.  It is the same way with energy.  You must first remove the negativity to make room for positivity.  Here are the 3 steps to eliminate negativity from your home.

Step 1: Prepare Your Environment

Indeed, chaos and disorganization are a breeding ground for negativity.  Thus, clean up as much clutter as you can.  Similarly, remove or fix anything that is broken.  And by all means, donate or place in storage any household item that makes you feel sad, guilty, or angry.  Do not hang on to things from the past that have bad memories or make you feel bad.

For example, let’s say that long-gone Great Aunt Mary gave you a hideous vase many years ago.  And when you look at this vase, not only do you dis-like it, but it also makes you feel incredibly sad that Aunt Mary is deceased.  It is okay to put the vase away.  You are not going to hurt Aunt Mary’s feelings by disliking her vase (she knows it’s ugly now anyway).  And you are not disrespecting her memory either.  Aunt Mary and everyone else on the other side, just want you to be happy.

Step 2: Cleanse with One (or More) of the 5 S’s

1. Smoke Cleansing

If you haven’t used sage to smoke cleanse your house before, you definitely need to try it.  For more information, check out this great youtube video by AuraShift.

2. Salt

Salt has been used for centuries in religious ceremonies and purification rituals.  Similarly, you can use salt to cleanse yourself and your home.  Salt lamps or small bowls of salt placed in a room will absorb negative energy.  Alternatively, you can sprinkle salt on your carpets or furniture.  Allow the salt to absorb the energies of the room for 3 hours and then vacuum up.  Finally, salt can be used to cleanse yourself in a warm salt-water bath.  For a real treat, try Kristen Butler’s “Bliss Bath”.

3. Sound

Break up negative energy with sound.  Rhonda Hoskins recommends ringing “a bell 3 times in each corner of the room to break up any stagnant energy.”  By the same token, ringing a chime 3 times in each corner of the room or playing a singing bowl will clear the room of negative energy.  Another great way to incorporate sound healing without the need for special equipment is to clap.  According to, “Loud, purposeful clapping can disperse negative energy. Clapping about 10 to 30 times while you go around the house can break the stagnant negative energy.”

4. Sunshine and Fresh Air

Open up the curtains and let the sunshine in.  For extra energy flow, open windows and doors to allow the fresh breeze to clear your home.  Be sure to give your pillows, furniture cushions, and bedding a good shake to get energy moving.

5. Sacred Water

Cleanse just about anything in your home with sacred water.  To make sacred water, pour 16 ounces of water into a glass jar.  Spring water is best, but any water will do.  In fact, don’t get fussed up about the type of water; intent is what matters.  Next, add a pinch of salt to the jar and say a blessing out loud.  This can be as elaborate or as simple as you like.  Here is the blessing I use: “I bless this water and make it sacred.  Only positive energy may remain.  Amen.”

After you say the blessing, use your finger to draw a scared symbol of your choice over the jar.  For example, you might choose to use a cross, an ahnk, or the om symbol.  If you are a reiki master, you might choose to use the dai ko myo symbol.  Anything that is sacred to you will work.  Finally, leave your sacred water to sit in the sun for several hours.  Once done, your sacred water can be transferred to a spray bottle to lightly mist on furniture, window seals, doorways, linens and nearly anything else in your home.

Step 3: Avoid Introducing New Negative Energy

Watch Your Thoughts

Be kind to yourself and eliminate negative self-talk from your life. This one may take some practice, but you are worth the effort.  Whenever you catch yourself engaging in negative self-talk, stop yourself by saying “stop” or “cancel” (either mentally or out loud).  Then change the thought to something positive.

Watch Your Spoken Words

Eliminate as many negatives from your spoken language as possible.  In his book, “How to Get What You Want and Want What You Have”, John Gray describes a positive language game he played with his family.  To play this game, pay attention to how you phrase sentences throughout the day.  Notice any negative phrasing and then re-state the sentence using positive language.  For example, instead of saying “we don’t want to be late”, you would say “we want to be on time”.  Or instead of saying “don’t forget your jacket”, you would say “remember you jacket”.  It’s a minor change with a huge impact.

Minimize Media that Brings You Down

Research shows that watching as little as 14 minutes of negative news can increase negativity.  And given the negativity bias in media, be very careful about how much time you spend watching the news.  You don’t need that extra destructive energy vibrating through your house.  The same goes for written news as well.  Be meticulous about the kind of energy you bring into your environment.

Anchor Negativity Before Coming Home

Avoid bringing destructive energy home with you.  With this intention, try anchoring any negativity before you walk through the door.  First, choose an object you see every time before entering your home.  For example, you might choose a decorative rock, a tree, or a wind chime.  This is now your energy anchor.  From now on, touch your anchor before walking into your house.  You can either touch it physically or in your mind’s eye.  Either one is fine because intention is what matters.  Next, when you touch your anchor, imagine leaving all your negative thoughts and energy with the object.  Finally, say thank you (mentally or out loud) as you imagine the anchor carrying your negativity to Gaia, where the energy can be safely dissolved.


In conclusion, you can free yourself from destructive energy by de-cluttering, cleansing, and avoiding re-infestation.  Now that you’ve cleared your home of negativity, you are ready to introduce positive energy.  Want to learn how?  Find the best way to add positivity with our article Top 10 Ways to Increase Positive Energy in Your Home.

Affirmation: I am free from negativity.


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Top 10 Ways to Increase Positive Energy in Your Home

“Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity.” Anonymous

In our previous post, Get Rid of Negative Energy in 3 Easy Steps, we discussed the need to remove negativity in order to make room for positive energy.  Now that you have distanced yourself from negative energy, here are the top 10 ways to add positive energy to your home.

1. Add Color

“Although there are many myths and preconceptions about interior color and visual comfort, it is certain that color impacts our mood and performance” (Cecilia RiosVelasco).  With this in mind, add colorful paint or accessories to your home for increased positive energy.  But which color is best?  Honestly, any color that makes you happy is a good choice.  Here are a few suggestions to get your started:

2. Diffuse Essential Oils

Aromatherapy with essential oils is a great way to increase positive energy in your home.  Research shows that citrus oils have a positive effect on mood, which translates to a positive effect on your home.  In addition to orange and lemon oil, here are a few other oils we like for boosting positive energy:

  • Bergamot
  • Grapefruit
  • Lime
  • Geranium
  • Spearmint
  • Tangerine

3. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a positive vibration that will attract even more positive energy into your home.  Thus, always say a word of thanks before meals and consider starting a gratitude journal.

Additionally, you might want to shower your home with good vibrations by performing a gratitude ceremony.  To begin, turn off all distractions such as your television, washer/dryer, and cell phone.  You can play soft uplifting music or merely soak in the beautiful peace and quiet.  Next, choose a room of your home as the starting point.  Now, walk into that room and say at least three things about the room for which you are grateful and why.  For example, you might walk into your bathroom and say:

  • I am grateful for my bathroom because it provides me with indoor plumbing.
  • I am grateful for the shower in my bathroom because it has beautiful tiles.  Plus, the shower head provides a wonderful soaking rainfall.
  • I am grateful for the towels in my bathroom because they are clean, fluffy, and feel so good after a shower.

Repeat this process for each room of your home.  Finally, finish the gratitude ceremony by saying “Thank You” three times out loud.

4. Meditate or Practice Yoga

Allow the positive benefits of meditation or yoga to leave you feeling relaxed, calm, and grounded.

5. Do Something Nice for Someone

Performing a random act of kindness is a positive energy double whammy.  This does not need to be elaborate or expensive.  A simple phone call, hand-written note, or funny snap chat to brighten someone’s day will work wonders.  Other ideas include doing someone else’s chores for the day, making hot cocoa for the family, or leaving uplifting post-it notes around the house for your loved ones to find.

If your heart warms at the idea of helping someone beyond your immediate family, consider sending letters, cards or care packages in support of our military.  In this case, check out Soldier’s Angels for amazing opportunities that might change your life and the life of someone else.

6. Decorate with Things You Love

Make sure each room of your home contains at least one item that evokes happy memories or feelings.

7. Make Your Bed

Set positive intentions for your day by making your bed. There is something magical about the sense of accomplishment that comes from making a beautiful bed out of messy sheets.

8. Isochronic & Binaural Tones

Use sound therapy to quite literally change the vibrational frequency of your home and brain.  For the full scoop, check out this insightful post by Amie Moses at

9. Spruce Up Your Front Door

“In feng shui, a hard-to-read house number or a blocked walkway to a door will prevent positive energy from entering the home”, says Jackie Middleton.  Make sure your front door is ready to welcome in positive energy. Sweep off the front step and tidy up around your entrance.  In other words, if you make your front entrance more visible and appealing then more positive energy will flow into your home.

10. Have Fun

Play, laugh, dance, watch a funny show, or do something you love.  Your home will soak up those good vibrations and beam from… well, uh…beam to beam.


In summary, there are many ways to add positivity to your home.  Once you’ve removed destructive energy and increased positive vibrations, beautiful things will happen.  How do you increase positive energy?  Let us know in the comments section.


Affirmation: Positive Energy Flows Through My Home.


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Numerology Essentials

“Everything in the universe dances to mathematics.” Dr. Hughes

Like everything in our universe, numbers have a vibration.  The study of this vibration, known as numerology, explores the meaning and significance of numbers in every day life.  In this light, numerology can be used to analyze everything from your birth date to your house number.  Want to know what your numbers say about you?  Then keep reading for a crash course on numerology basics.

How to Calculate for Numerology

The first step in analyzing a number is to reduce it to a single digit (1-9) or a master number (11 or 22).  Although master numbers are double digits, they carry a specific meaning.  Therefore, the numbers 11 and 22 are not reduced down any further.  Let’s look at a couple of examples.

Reducing a Number

Example 1:

In our first example, let’s reduce the year 2019.  First, add each digit:

2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12

Now, add each of those digits:

1 + 2 = 3

Repeat this process as many times as necessary to obtain a single digit.

Example 2:

In our second example, let’s reduce the number 74.  Begin by adding each digit:

7 + 4 = 11

This is still a double digit, so you would repeat the process, right?  No, not in this case.  Since 11 is a master number, you would stop right there.  You would not go on to reduce this to 1 + 1 = 2.  Thus, you would leave it as an 11.  Similarly, you would not reduce the number 22 any further.

Number Definitions

After you’ve arrived at a single number, what does that number suggest?  Well, here are the essential meanings behind each number:

  • 1 – New Beginnings
  • 2 – Partnerships and Choices
  • 3 – Growth and Achievement
  • 4 – Building and Maintenance
  • 5 – Change
  • 6 – Peace and Harmony
  • 7 – Reflection and Assessment
  • 8 – Power and Prosperity
  • 9 – Completion
  • 11 – Intuition and Sensitivity
  • 22 – Ambition and Success

Putting It All Together

Now that you know how to reduce a number and what the numbers mean, let’s put it all together in a few examples.

House Number

In this example, what do you think is the vibration of this home?  As you can see, the house number is 7224.  Therefore, you would begin by adding all the digits together:

7 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 15

1 + 5 = 6

Since 6 stands for peace and harmony, the occupants of this home live in an energy that supports unity and cooperation.

Your Personal Year

For instance, let’s say that Amy is celebrating her birthday on 12-5-2018.  What is in store for her over the next 12 months?  As usual, start by reducing the date to a single digit:

1 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 19

1 + 9 = 10

And finally, 1 + 0 = 1

That is to say, Amy is entering into a 1, or “new beginning”, year.  Thus, she might start a new job, begin a new relationship, or move into a new house.


Tarot Cards

All of the minor arcana cards carry a numerical energy.  With this in mind, what if the Seven of Cups card came up?  What would you say about it from a numerology stand point?

Well, since 7 is a reflection and assessment number, the card indicates a need to consider all options and choose wisely.

Indeed, that is exactly what we see portrayed in the image as well.   As illustrated, the person on the card is carefully considering the choices before him/her.

It’s Only a Starting Point

Now it’s your turn.  What is your personal year?  What is the vibration of your home?  Regardless of what your numbers reveal, this is merely an energetic starting point.

Think of it as checking your location on the map.  For instance, if you looked at your GPS and saw that you were in Florida, you might think, “Oh, I’m in Florida.  No wonder I’m so hot.  Yes, that makes sense now.”  While there is nothing wrong with being in Florida, you might decide you want to be in Vermont.  In that case, you now know where you are and where you want to go.

Comparatively, it’s the same way with energy.  Once you know the current vibrations you are working with, it’s up to you to decide where to take it.  Remember, nothing is set in stone.  You have free choice and the power to decide your own destiny.


To summarize, numerology is a fun and fascinating study with a wide variety of applications.  It can be used to analyze names, dates, addresses, and countless other aspects of life.  What do your numbers say about you?

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An Esoteric History of Earth

“History is who we are and why we are the way we are.” David McCullough


So, who are we?  And why are we the way we are?  The answer is both simple and complex.  Humans are here by divine and intelligent design.  Let’s take a look at how science and spirituality fit together in the Esoteric History of Planet Earth.

The Evolution of Life

In his article, Timeline: The Evolution of Life, Michael Marshall gives us the following history of life on Earth:

  • 3.8 billion years ago – life on Earth began
  • 465 million years ago – plants evolved
  • 200 million years ago – mammals evolved
  • 75 million years ago – primates evolved
  •  6 million years ago – hominins evolved

The Hominin War

After hominins first evolved about 6 million years ago, multiple species began to emerge.   According to the Smithsonian, there were at least 7 species in the genus homo and many other humanoids, all struggling for survival.  Thus began the Hominin War.  This is not a war in the traditional sense of battling armies.  But rather a war against nature, evolution and extinction.

Homo Sapiens and The Pleiadians

About 300,00 years ago homo sapiens evolved.  “For the first 100,000 years of our existence, modern humans behaved much like Neanderthals.  Then something changed,” says Melissa Hogenboom.  Based on this timeline, the noted change happened about 200,00 years ago.  That’s precisely when Kryon says the Pleiadians seeded the new human (Kryon via Monika Muranyi, The Gai Effect).

That is to say, about 200,000 years ago, the Pleiadians first arrived on Earth.  They were a multi-dimensional human-like race who altered the DNA of homo sapiens.  In fact, modern science seems to confirm there was indeed a change in human genetics.  “We now have genetic evidence to suggest that our DNA changed at some point after we split from the common ancestor we shared with Neanderthals,” says Melissa Hogenboom.

 The Lemurians

After our DNA began to change, it took thousands of years for humans to develop the intelligence and consciousness needed to form a society.  But by 33,000 BC, humans were fully evolved and thriving in the world’s first civilization called Lemuria.  This civilization was located in modern day Hawaii, when the land mass was much larger.

In 13,000 BC, about 20,000 years after the city was formed, Lemuria began to sink into the ocean (Nuno).  This was due to melting polar ice caps and shifts in plate tectonics.  And so, during the 5,000 years it took for Lemuria to completely disappear, the Lemurians fled to other continents and established other civilizations.

The Dark Ages

For roughly the next 15,000 years, planet Earth revolved in an old and barbaric energy.  This was the dark age of our planet.  During these years, there was much war, violence, unrest, and discord.  According to prophecy at this time, humans were destined to destroy themselves by the end of 2012.

The Great Shift

About 50 years ago, the vibrations of planet Earth began to change.  Due to this change, the old prophecy of self-destruction was void.  The new and more likely potential was that Earth would become an ascended planet.

Then, on August 16-17, 1987 a remarkable event called The Harmonic Convergence occurred.  This was a global prayer and meditation event created by Dr. Jose Arguellas.  The Harmonic Convergence sent a Universal message to increase vibration and raise human consciousness.  This great event was all in preparation for the 2012 marker.

The 2012 Marker, also known as “The Shift”, was an energetic change that aligned with the end of the Mayan long count calendar.  This shift marked the end of the old, dark Earth energy and began the re-calibration of our new planet.  The re-calibration will raise the vibration of humanity and increase consciousness.

The New Earth

The year 2013 was the first year of the new planet.  Since the energy of Earth was ready for new beginnings, there were many changes in 2013.  We continue to see changes as the new earth emerges and matures.

We are living in an exciting time filled with hope, change, and increasing consciousness.  Sure, there are some growing pains, but the good news is that our planet is growing.  Can you feel it?  Humanity is growing and we are just getting started.  So hang in there, the best is yet to come.

Affirmation: I am created divinely and with purpose.

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